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Company news
Shaanxi Investment Emerging Industry Development Co., Ltd h

Company news 2019-05-08 10:15:00 481
    Shaanxi Investment Emerging Industry Development Co., Ltd held the work conference of2019 in Xi'an on January 18. The leadership and all staff of Shaanxi Investment Emerging Industry Development Co., Ltd and the leaders and staff representatives of Xi'an Lumcore Optoelectronics Technologies Co., Ltd attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Chief Financial Officer and member of the General Party Branch of the company,Gao Wang. 
    Firstly, Yan Xiaohui, a member of the General Branch of the Party and deputy general manager, conveyed the spirit of the work safety meeting and the second National Congress of Shaanxi Investment Group in the meeting. The general manager of the company, Bai Yiwei, gave a work report entitled "condensing together to accelerate the pace of investment operation, stimulate the drive to achieve high-efficiency and high-quality development". The report pointed out that all the leaders and staffs of the company have made good achievements in improving system construction and improving management efficiency, actively expanding investment channels, vigorously promoting project landing,etc, in 2018. The report reviews and summarizes the company's work of 2018 in project advancement, asset management, the iron triangle construction, party building and so on.
    The report made a deployment of the company's working priorities in 2019.1.Fully promote project investment to ensure the smooth landing of key projects;2.Strengthening Asset Management and actively exploring the Management Mode of subsidiary Company.3.Taking the promotion of the Construction of the Iron Triangle as the starting point,and improving the overall scientific management level of the company.4. Continue to work on the Party building, and build a harmonious corporate culture atmosphere.
    The conference recognized the collective and individual performance of 2018. At the meeting, Xu Tianyu,the Executive Director and Bai Yiwei,the General Manager, signed an annual operating performance objective responsibility document, a production safety environmental protection responsibility document, and a fire safety responsibility document. Xu Tianyou, secretary of the general branch of the party branch, and Yan Xiaohui, secretary of the party branch of the organ, and Li Bo, secretary of the party branch of Xi'an Lumcore Optoelectronics Technologies Co., Ltd, signed an annual document of responsibility for party building and the building of a clean and clean party style together. Later, Bai Yiwei,the General Manager, signed the annual operating objectives performance responsibility document, production safety environmental protection responsibility document, fire safety responsibility document with each department of Xi'an Lumcore Optoelectronics Technologies Co., Ltd.
Xu Tianyou, executive director of the company and secretary of the Party General Branch, made a concluding speech. Mr. Xu expressed his affirmation of the company's achievements and put forward four suggestions on how to promote the further development of the company:
    1. We must set up the concept of plate pattern, accurately grasp the key points and key points, and concentrate on limited resources to achieve breakthroughs.We should seize the rare opportunities for development and make rapid arrangements at the bottom of the market.Seize up all the high-quality assets and high-quality projects, and realize the increase of both operating efficiency and the size of assets of the company as soon as possible. Gradually create a industrial cluster with scale effect, competitive strength and good returns.
    2. It is necessary to form a plan and train of thought that complement each other with the industrial layout of the company.It is necessary to start a purposeful training of reserve cadres and reserve talent echelons.Asset management should be predictable, forward-looking.We should do a good work guideline for the management after the investment, and draw a road map of the management work.
    3. Set up a more market-oriented, professional, open salary system, incentive mechanism that really binds the development of the company to the development of its employees.It is necessary to give better play to the advantages of state-owned investment enterprises, avoid shortcomings, and make up for their shortcomings,so as to achieve bend overtaking and leapfrog development within the shortest possible time.
    4. We must conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Committee and the overall plan of the Party Committee of the Group. We will conscientiously promote the regularization and institutionalization of "two learning and one doing" and the subject education of "never forget the original ideals and aspirations, and keep in mind the mission". We should actively carry out special education on stressing politics, daring to take on responsibility and changing the style of work, continue to strengthen the construction and management of positions, and firmly promote the leading role of a "gentleman's culture". What’s more,we should also adhere to the correct personnel orientation, strengthen the leadership and control role of party organizations, play a good role in the bridge link of mass organizations, and lay a solid foundation for promoting the new and high-quality development of Shaanxi Investment Emerging Industry Development Co., Ltd.