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Company news
Safety production inspection before Spring Festival

Company news 2020-01-16 17:11:00 456
    The Spring Festival in 2020 is coming. In order to fully implement the decision-making and deployment of safety production of the group company, and fully grasp the work of safety production during the "Spring Festival", on January 16, the office of the company's safety committee organized a major inspection of safety production before the Spring Festival for core optoelectronics, Tianyi antenna and emerging industrial park.

    The inspection team has carried out safety inspection on key areas and parts of production and operation area, power area, power distribution room, hazardous chemical warehouse, sewage equipment, special equipment, fire-fighting facilities, etc. of each unit, and has a detailed understanding of the arrangement of duty arrangement and emergency disposal of each unit during the spring Festival. The overall situation of this inspection is good. The inspection team requires all units to strictly implement the main responsibility of safety production, timely and effectively control safety risks, fully investigate potential accidents, and ensure the continuous stability of the company's safety production situation.

    During the inspection, Wang Haibo, deputy chief economist, stressed that "Spring Festival" is a frequent period of safety accidents. All units should attach great importance to it, keep a high degree of vigilance at all times, conscientiously practice the "one post and two responsibilities" of safety production, do a good job in the investigation and treatment of all kinds of potential risks, do a solid job in the work of safety production and emergency duty during the festival, resolutely curb the occurrence of safety accidents, and make the safety situation begin Finally in a state of "controllable, controllable and controllable", to ensure a peaceful and peaceful Spring Festival.