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The third party branch theory learning center group of Shaan

Company news 2021-01-12 15:41:00 467
      On March 25, the third central group of theoretical study of the general Party branch of Shaanxi investment emerging organization in 2020 focused on study. The meeting was presided over by Comrade Yan Xiaohui, member of the general Party branch and deputy general manager. Members of the central group participated in the study.
      At the meeting, we focused on studying the responsibilities of the Party committee (leading group) of state owned enterprises, the regulations of the Communist Party of China on the work of grassroots organizations of state owned enterprises (for Trial Implementation) and two "one through" and other relevant contents, and re understood, re arranged and re deployed how to implement the work. Other members of the center group also talked about their feelings and experiences around the theme and in combination with the actual work of the company.

       Yan Xiaohui, member of the general Party branch and deputy general manager, made a speech as the key speaker of the study. In his speech, he stressed: first, we must deeply understand that learning is an important measure to strengthen ideological and political construction. In the face of the current new situation and new tasks, we must consciously take learning as a major political task from the height of stressing politics and the overall situation, firmly grasp it in our hands and deeply rooted in our hearts. Second, we must have a deep understanding that strengthening responsibility is a powerful grasp of the level of Party building in state-owned enterprises. In the great process of coordinating and promoting the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, we must unswervingly adhere to the party's leadership over state-owned enterprises and unswervingly strengthen party building in state-owned enterprises. Third, we must deeply understand that the state-owned enterprise system is an important guarantee for promoting reform and development. It is necessary to be the firm defender and firm executor of the party's line, principles and policies, guide the majority of Party members and cadres to stick to their posts, with high spirits and full work enthusiasm, and in combination with the actual work of Shaanxi investment group Co., Ltd., do their own work conscientiously, and create satisfactory achievements for the party and the people.