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Company news
Fund inspection team of the group company visited Shaanxi in

Company news 2021-03-15 16:26:00 467
On the afternoon of March 9, the fund inspection team of Shaanxi investment group visited Xinxing to inspect and guide fund management. Yan Xiaohui, member of the general Party branch and deputy general manager, and Zhang Lei, Minister of finance, accompanied the inspection.
At the report meeting, Yan Xiaohui warmly welcomed the arrival of the fund inspection team and asked the finance department and relevant departments to actively cooperate. Then, Zhang Lei made a comprehensive report on the company's basic situation, fund account collection, "two fund pressure drop" and guaranteed financing.
The inspection team conducted a detailed inspection and inquiry on the bill management, bank account management, payment process and system construction of Shaanxi investment Xinxing headquarters and its holding subsidiary Lixin optoelectronics and Tianyi antenna.
Finally, the inspection team summarized the inspection work, affirmed the fund management work of Shaanxi investment Xinxing in 2020, and required the company headquarters to actively urge subordinate companies to do a good job in daily fund management work in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the group company.