Party Building
Party Building
The third tour guidance group of Shaanxi investment group To

Party Building 2021-08-19 11:59:00 741
On the morning of August 18, the Party branch of Shaanxi investment emerging organ held a special organization and life meeting on party history learning and education. Tian xuanpeng, leader of the third tour Guidance Group for party history learning and education of the group company, Sun Yang, deputy leader and Wang Wenjing, members of the group company, attended the meeting as ordinary Party members and made a comparative inspection. All Party members of the Party branch attended the meeting.
At the meeting, Yan Xiaohui, Secretary of the Party branch of the organ, reported on behalf of the Party branch on the implementation of Party Construction in the first half of 2021, and informed the phased progress of party history learning and education and the preparation of special organization life meeting. Focusing on "learning party history, understanding ideas, doing practical things and opening up a new situation", Party members of the branch talk about learning experience, make comparative inspection and carry out in-depth criticism and self-criticism from the aspects of strengthening ideals and beliefs, enhancing historical consciousness, carrying forward fine traditions and strengthening the tempering of Party spirit. The meeting was practical and achieved the purpose of correcting shortcomings, enhancing unity and enhancing the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization.
Tian xuanpeng fully affirmed the special organization life meeting. He pointed out that the meeting was well prepared, the materials were pragmatic, the criticism and self-criticism were frank, and the rectification measures were targeted. It was a high-quality organizational life meeting. In view of the second stage of the party history education, the meeting requires: first, we must continue to deepen the second stage work of party history education and study, conscientiously implement the spirit of the important speech of general secretary Xi Jinping at the 100th anniversary conference of China's Communist Party, and deeply understand the core meaning, and promote the education of party history learning in the deep and real way. Second, seriously organize the special life meeting for the study and education of party history of each branch, and do a solid job in the implementation of rectification after the meeting; Third, promote the in-depth integration of Party building and business with high quality, adhere to Party building and business promotion, and effectively promote the theme activity of "learning history, understanding ideas, building strong roots, forging ahead, catching up and Surpassing in a new era".
Before the meeting, the tour guidance group inspected the implementation of the activity of "I do practical things for employees" and the theme activity of "learning history, understanding ideas, building a strong root, forging ahead, catching up and Surpassing in a new era", and consulted relevant materials.