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Company news
Carry out fire drills and build up a safe line of Defense

Company news 2019-07-26 17:25:00 451
    In order to do a good job in the new fire safety work in Shantou, enhance the awareness of fire safety of employees, popularize fire safety knowledge, and improve the ability of fire emergency handling. On the morning of July 26, the company organized all employees to conduct fire emergency evacuation and fire fighting drills.

    The drill officially began at 10:30. After receiving the fire information report, the fire control center immediately announced the start of emergency evacuation plan. Under the unified command, all staff evacuated orderly according to the evacuation route and assembled at the designated location. Subsequently, the employees were grouped into smoke tents to experience the feeling of being in darkness and smoke at the scene of the fire, to understand the harm of smoke to human beings, to overcome panic, and to learn the correct method of escape and self-rescue. Finally, the fire instructor explained the principle of the fire extinguisher, and showed you how to use the dry powder extinguisher, the matters needing attention in the process of putting out the fire and the emergency knowledge in case of fire. Employees who participated in the drill conducted one by one on the spot, and mastered the practical operation skills of basic fire fighting facilities.

    After the drill, Wang Haibo, deputy economist, made a summary and comment on the drill. He pointed out that all employees should attach great importance to it and actively participate in every emergency drill. They should enhance the ability of fire emergency escape and self-rescue through drills. Only when each drill is regarded as a real fire scene, can sudden accidents occur. When you are born, respond quickly and deal with the hazards caused by disasters correctly, quickly and orderly.

    Through this drill, Shantou Xinxing further implemented the principle of "safety first, prevention first, prevention combined with elimination", improved the ability of employees to deal with and deal with fire accidents in practice, mastered the basic methods of rapid escape, self-rescue and mutual rescue in the fire, and truly prepared for rain and prevented disaster. To create a safe and harmonious working environment for the vast number of employees.